11 July, 2009

Dear America...

Dearest Reader,

I looked up the etymology of the word "DEAR, precious, costly, beloved. Root unknown. Der. dear-ly, dear-ness; also dar-ling". It made me think how it is interesting how we use it as a general greeting for our letters. I use it to talk to my girlfriend but as a general heading? As a way to address the readers of this blog? I found that interesting to consider.

But to more pressing and deeper subjects at hand...

America is in a sad state.
Did you know there are some organizations in protest of the government? Well if you didn't there are and they have been around for a long time but the one that struck my interest was the organization that claims the name TaxDayTeaParties. They see the government's over spending as an outrage. Whether you agree or don't I was thinking about the name.

The problem with the name is that right before our independence the boston tea party destroyed the tea that had a tax on it that was placed there without us being represented in the government. The crime was not that there was a tax but rather that we where not represented. It was an unlawful tax. Back then they understood that if they where represented then even if they did not like what the representative decided they still paid the tax.
It was the principle that the boston tea party was trying to show, not the tax. I find it interesting how these right wing conservatives are now protesting the TAX rather than the PRINCIPLE and yet claiming the name of the legendary group that protested the PRINCIPLE rather than the TAX.

I do believe there are far too many people in this wonderful country who, in the name of reclaiming our heritage, have lost the principles that made this country great.
It goes further than that, not only have the people who claim to be reclaiming our heritage lost some of the founding principles of our country, the fast MAJORITY have lost even the notion of our founding principles.
But sadder still and by far the most telling sign of where my country that I love is, the fast majority of our churches have lost the founding principles that are required to sustain any country. We have lost our foundation on God's word and once the foundation is destroyed the building will claps.

Our foundations are near a state of ruin... how much longer till the building collapses?

The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.

04 April, 2009

Taste and See!

Taste and see the Lord is Good!

Wow is about the best words one can use to describe the past week or two! It's crazy, beautiful, amazing, and tasty! So much is going on and due to being pressed for time I can't tell it all right now but I will give a short summery.

I am dating about the most amazing girl ever born on this earth! She is a true jewel! Her name is Jenny and I absolutely am taken by her!
The most amazing times together are when we read the bible and pray! You will just have to ask me about it but it's so very amazing! The time just slips away from us as we are with God and I think we would rather spend more time praying than we would talking to each other! It's just the most amazing thing ever! You really start to understand what it is to taste and see the Lord because every time we are done praying we feel like we have just eaten at the most amazing restaurant ever! For sure it would be a $250 tab if it was (and that means you tip how much? If you said $50 you where correct :P )

I am also moving and God is working in my life and I am looking for a new job and seeing when I can fly to India and all sorts of things. It's busy but very very exciting and amazing and lovely and everything. I am blessed with blessings upon blessings.

God is just opening doors it seems and I am so excited to wait on Him to see where He leads me and what doors He opens for me!

Praise the Lord!

29 March, 2009


Ok, so I have not done any video work yet, but I am still hopeful to get something going :)

So I am reading a book about trading stocks and it's psychology. On thing the author said in the book was that we work off a reward system. If we have a positive input we are more likely to do that thing again and if we get a negative input we are less likely to do it.
I am finding this true with me in some ways. I have been trying to understand what on earth has gotten into me, lol. I find myself so absolutely resistant to allowing myself to open up and consider getting into a relationship. I would like to find someone but I am finding that I am very very... something... against letting myself open up for it. When I look at myself it's as though I don't want to let me get my hopes up because it's an almost dooms day sense that things will fail. But I will overcome this and figure it out! :D
I am still doing very well, happy as always. Life has been a pretty amazing challenge past few weeks. Ugh life. Seems like I am walking in a forest and I have seen this tree many times before. I am not sure where I am or where I am going but I know it will all work out.


24 March, 2009

This is Life

Sometimes you have to get rid of everything to find something better. Things must die before they can grow. Sometimes life hits us and we change. This is life.

23 March, 2009


You know how in your life there are times when you have major transitions on how you live it? I think I am in one of those times right now :)
And I think I am liking it too :)
That's all I will say on that subject right now.

Last night I had a crazy, but very real dream! A friend of mine who use to be very close flew down from Canada to see me. I woke up this morning and had to double check that it was a dream. Crazy how it was so real. Anyway, don't remember all of it but just that she visited and we talked about different things.

21 March, 2009

Haven't Forgotten!

Hi everyone!

I haven't forgotten my blog! Honest! lol :)

I have been dealing with some interesting reactions I have been having recently and as such have not really been in the mood to blog but now that I think I am getting those more or less figured out I fully intend to be here more often :)

BUT what I am really trying to do is learn how to do some video blogs :D
So if you don't see new post, just check back in a few days and there may be some cool stuff on here! I hope to improve it with some more interesting things here in a bit but while it's under construction I may be slower at posting (you know, like when there is road construction and the traffic slows way down, same thing :P)

I watched move recently and it was set in Canada, particularly what struck me was the Canadian flag. I was thinking just how pretty it was. Funny how things get so set inside that they will always be there.

Well have a great night!

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