04 April, 2009

Taste and See!

Taste and see the Lord is Good!

Wow is about the best words one can use to describe the past week or two! It's crazy, beautiful, amazing, and tasty! So much is going on and due to being pressed for time I can't tell it all right now but I will give a short summery.

I am dating about the most amazing girl ever born on this earth! She is a true jewel! Her name is Jenny and I absolutely am taken by her!
The most amazing times together are when we read the bible and pray! You will just have to ask me about it but it's so very amazing! The time just slips away from us as we are with God and I think we would rather spend more time praying than we would talking to each other! It's just the most amazing thing ever! You really start to understand what it is to taste and see the Lord because every time we are done praying we feel like we have just eaten at the most amazing restaurant ever! For sure it would be a $250 tab if it was (and that means you tip how much? If you said $50 you where correct :P )

I am also moving and God is working in my life and I am looking for a new job and seeing when I can fly to India and all sorts of things. It's busy but very very exciting and amazing and lovely and everything. I am blessed with blessings upon blessings.

God is just opening doors it seems and I am so excited to wait on Him to see where He leads me and what doors He opens for me!

Praise the Lord!

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