14 March, 2009

Bloging about Nothing

So I have NOTHING to say! So I decided to blog to maybe get some creative juices sired up :)

So I have found that the more you write, or for that matter are involved in the arts, it seems you have to be constantly looking for inspiration, observations, etc to stir you up. It's like you have to put stuff in to get stuff out. That's why reading books, watching movies, observing people, and things like that help :)

See, I can blog all day long about some of the deep feelings I have. Some of my desires, my passion, and my longings but that gets very old and boring (as I am sure you have seen) so to write creatively and in an intriguing way you need to write something people are interested in reading about! That is my goal.

I think I would like to start working on writing more in a journalist style. If I do go overseas I would like to use some of that time to photograph and write about it and I can start learning now :)

I had/have a friend who is really good in writing but right now we don't talk (ugh) but she was really good at writing and I am sure she could help me learn some things and give me tips on where I can improve. Oh well, maybe someday, who knows.

Thinking of tips, it would be really cool if anyone might ever want to comment on my blogs? lol, I only have one friend who reads this from time to time and she lives all the way over in India! Beauty of the information age eh? I guess this blog is more for myself :(

Oh well, it's good to write and I can help myself by seeing how my writing has changed and remember what I have gone through.

So that's all the randomness I will write for now.

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