17 March, 2009

Good Evening!

Good Evening Everyone!

Ah how lovely is this weather! For you who are not in Arkansas it's been around 24C (75F) here! SO LOVELY!

For those of you who have not heard, the girl that I was wanting to date got into a relationship with someone else. Thank you all who offered your sympathy, it was very kind. I really am doing quite well thought! The first day or so was a little shaky but even then I was amazingly good all things considering and now I am back to 110%! Only thing that's not doing so well is my legs! I went out and played ultimate frisbee, soccer, and ran all in the same day! That coming out of hibernation sent my legs into a shock! LOL but I am walking again :D lol and yesterday I looked like an old man hobbling around :P

So what else is new.. hummm... well looking at going into mission still to some degree. I am excited about that. So first step is to go to India for a few months and see where things go from there. And apart from that things are about the same.

God all sorts of bible verses that have been meaning a lot to me. 2 Peter 1 is up on the list. Just waiting to see where God leads me and to see if He brings another girl into my life. Sometime I have to find the right one eh? You would think so :P
Maybe I should increase my sample rate :P LOL JK!!!!!!!

Last thing is the weather is AMAZING! A big reason my blogs are not as frequent (I mean seriously? Would you rather be in front of a computer or outside? Yah, that's what I thought :P )

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