03 March, 2009

How Sad

I have not had much to write about. The floods of thoughts that kept pouring into my mind that I wanted to share have stopped and I sit with nothing to say, nothing that seems worth writing. So I decided to watch a movie a friend of mine recommended named "American History X".

It addressed the issue of hate and how it relates to racism and gang violence. It was a very powerful and deep movie that did a good job making it's point but does not answer many questions that should come from watching a movie like that. I would expect many people would view the movie and say, "that's horrible" and leave it there but that is not where it can be left. There are still questions that must be asked by it's viewers. What can I do to stop this, how can I change things, what can I do to stop this hatred, heartache, and despair that exist.

I have had the opportunity to know a few people who where/are involved in gangs and who have similar natures of hatred and racism, it does exist. We live in a broken world with broken people. What can we do to stop this? When I think of these things my heart gets heavy and my spirit feels it's weight.

The only thing I can do is shout the good news. How good is the news of Christ who saves and changes people but how deaf are they. Their life is lost and they are blind to what they are living in and yet Christ can save them and yet they scream and stop their ears and run the other way.

Then I see my own life and how easily I let sin settle in me and how slight I fight it. The same sin that is destroying others, spreading misery and death around is the same sin I glaze over in my own life. How sad.

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