05 March, 2009


So there is the great site, playlist.com. It's the site I use for my music on the side of my blog (I know! I know! I have not updated it in way too long). But I just found out you can listen to friends music on there as well! it's really cool because you can explore and find new artist that you have never heard of and it gives you something other than your songs to listen to.

Sometimes as I am listening to one of my friend's playlist I can't help but with I could pick their brains about the songs they choose. Each song comes and I wonder, why does she like this one, whats this one for. It's like I am back in my world lit class where the teacher was trying to make a great importance in everything the author said. I was thinking to myself, "Maybe they just said that because it sounded good" lol but I guess we like to look for meaning in everything and so when the author passes away we look for all the possible meanings that could have been there when it was written. Maybe it's the same thing with how we pick our music? I am listening to a particular playlist right now and I am feeling very at peace. Funny how things like that can do that.

Also I was thinking about how every little we need to hold on to someone but that we still need something. I was thinking about people who have been captured during war and been imprisoned for years but because of something, a picture, or anything they held on to the hope of seeing there loved one again. But it does seem that we need something to hold on to if it's all lost it's very hard to hold on. That could be why they try to strip prisoners of everything they have.

I was also thinking about where God is going to take me. I grow more and more sertan that my place is in outreach. Whether it is in the ministry or missions I don't know. I do know that it's where my heart is and even though I could be a pro photographer (and I probably will still do a lot of photography) I have a heart to help others. I was thinking about this in regards to the quality that the girl God has for me will have. I am sure that she will have to also have a heart to serve others. I know I need someone to complete and be completed by and to do that I would think we should have the same vision for our future.

Also, as is recommended by so many people, DON'T PUBLISH YOUR FIRST DRAFT! I never listen to that and particularly with my blog I just write so as to get it written down but if you read my last post maybe I should have listened to that advice! LOL. It was so poorly worded I even had a hard time reading it. Oh well it's what happens when you blog past midnight. :)

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