10 March, 2009


Good morning everyone!

So I am really thankful with moving in with Kyle. We get up every morning on the weekdays and read the psalms, pray, and work on our memorization! It's great! The daily reading really really does work in your life, it's awesome! I have never had such a consistent reading time but I am finding this is food for the soul and I am so thankful! I can't wait to be able to do the same thing when I get married because you are even closer and more connected then but even now it's great!

The Holy Spirit is CLEARLY changing things in my life to move me somewhere, not sure where. So I am not sure where God is moving me now but I will have to wait and see. I am very happy with being here in Arkansas but maybe God has plans for me else where. I don't mind going wherever God leads me :)

The weather is so nice outside right now! I am also working on spending less time on the net seeing as how I have built an unhealthy habit of spending too much time online. It's been built over several years so breaking it will take some work but because of this I may be blogging less frequently and spending more time doing things I have always wanted to do! :D I am very excited because I waist a lot of time on the computer and I have wanted to read more, get more involved in activities, and just do more things so hopefully by God's grace I will do that now :) God's helping push me off line so I think things are looking good :)

May all who seek you
rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who love your salvation
say continually, "Great is the LORD!"

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