15 March, 2009

Fallen in Love

Hey everyone!

Today has been one of those moving days in my life.
You don't always know where God is going to take you but you know it's a good place. Between the stress, heart break, spiritual and emotional storm that took place today I found I am in love. I look back over my life, over the past few years, and I see how God has moved and guided and developed me to today. God again took everything I was holding out for away and I was left with nothing but Him and it was amazing. I find I am totally and completely in love with Christ. It's the most rewarding and fulfilling thing. Things still hurt but covered by such a peace and love that I just had to write about it even at this time in the morning. I am understanding what it is for Christ to be a rock of refuge in times of trouble. Let all who love the Lord praise His name. Amen and Amen.

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