04 March, 2009

Taste of Spring!

I love when you can start to taste the days of spring as they start to push winter to memory! Today I went running in a t-shirt and shorts!

Oh My! I have not been running in WEEKS and man did I feel it today! The entire run was just trying to warm up out of my hibernation! At first my legs where as tight as drums but they started to get the feeling back in them after I helped them out for a bit. Spring is SOOO nice! One of my favorite times of the year for sure :)

There also was a shoe store that is going out of business and I got 4 pairs of shoes yesterday. Gag! Even at half off it was pricey! But I got a new pair of running shoes, flip flops, sandals, and slip ons. So today I was also breaking in my running shoes, ugh, pealed some of my skin off my heal. Shoes like to do that to me! LOL :)

So right now I have 8 pairs of shoes I activly use and I plan on getting at least 1 more, is that bad? lol! I am starting to sound like a girl! Well each shoe has its different perpose. Some are very spesific (like my biking shoes, work shoes, and the soon to be soccer shoes) and then others are general (flip flops, sandels, slip ons, and dress shoes) Oh well, I don't mind if I have lots of shoes (duh right? I mean I spent a lot of money on them! I hope I don't mind! LOL)

So as you can see my blog as degraded into talking about shoes, next up will be purses :P LOL JK.

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