01 March, 2009


Pride has been a pit fall for me for a long time and still is. Ravi mentioned a quite from St. Thomas Aquinas that I thought I would share as I see this as being very true and very applicable in my life. The quote comes from Aquinas' book Summa Theologica: Vol. 7 of 10

"In order to overcome their pride, God punishes certain men by allowing them to fall into sins of the flesh, which though they be less grievous are more evidently shameful."

This along with the Westminster Confession of Faith rings home to my in such a resounding way as to make me praise God for letting me be shamed to help break my pride. Through my experiences I have learned a great deal. Some in being merciful to people who deserve punishment so as to not overly shame and reject them to cause them to fall into despair and potentially become pray for satin. Some in seeing my own sinful nature and being aware that it's ONLY by God's grace that we are not involved with the most debase of sins. It's taught me to learn to thank God and praise God in all things and to look to Him as my source of my identity rather than myself.

It has helped to break my pride in order to begin working a work of humility in me that was not even able to be started before hand.

May God be Praised!

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