01 March, 2009

The Scenic Route

I was listening to a series by Ravi entitled "Interpreting Failures, Conserving Victories" (Part 1, Part 2). He describes the children of Israel and their 40 year travel through the wilderness. If they had taken the freeway it would have taken them 11 days but God decided to have them take the scenic route and it ended up taking them 40 years.

The point made is that the christian life is not always taking a strait road, a lot of the time God takes us around the twisty roads in our life. This sung home to me because I am a very impatient person, I like results and I like them 5 min ago.

So why does God take us on the long routs? The answer for the children of Israel was found in Deuteronomy 8
"And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no."

Sometimes God takes us on the long rout because it's on that route that we see the most beautiful and breathtaking parts of Him.

This In My Life

"Why God? Why? Why do you make me wait for a wife? Of all people I was the one wanting to raise a family more than anyone and yet you have withheld from me what I desire greatly"
This is a prayer I have prayed so many times I have lost count.

God keeps closing the door on any relationship I have wanted and it's closed so amazingly tight that no amount of pounding will open it. Even now I am waiting to see if God opens doors, opens new ones or who knows. It's terribly difficult yet today I have found such peace as God has been kind enough to start and show me some of why He has been doing what He has been doing. I am at such peace right now since He has opened the eyes of my heat to see this that the frustration has left. The desire is still there as I do seek to be married someday but I am very content to wait in God's time as He takes me the scenic route and shows me the most spectacular insights into who He is and in that continues to mold me to be the man He wants me to be.

God has a plan for me in my life. This is not all done without reason. He is molding me to use me how He sees fit and I am blessed and thankful to be shaped and purified in the intense heat of a most kind and loving God.

Blessed be God my Father, Christ my Savior, and the Holy Spirit my Sanctifier.

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