11 February, 2009

Bills!!! AAAHHHH!!!!

I want to let everyone know... I LOVE MY CAR!!!! It's AWESOME!!!!!!

Today I got all the paper work signed and my life for the next... forever... sold away and in return I got an awesome car! But man oh man do I have some cash to come up with over this next month! So I will for sure looking for places to save and places to earn but it's all good!

I have a few mid term goals (all my goals are split up into short term, mid term, and long term) and one of them was getting a car. So now that I have a car that's really and truly mine I can scratch that goal off my list :)

Other mid term goals I have is getting my probation terminated early (currently working on that), getting a certain dollar amount saved, and the car of course. :)

Ah, I am just very happy right now, I still have not forgotten the war but I am so very thankful for the getting really busy, as they say "idle hands are the devils workshop"

Well, had a busy day at work, and will over the weekend so I should get going!

Have an amazing nights rest everyone!

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