20 February, 2009

wisdom's words

Some striking passages from Proverbs 20-22 (ESV)

  • "A man's steps are from the Lord;
    how then can man understand his way?"
    This was a striking passage for me. I am a constant planner and am constantly setting goals to attain but it's a good reminder to remember that my steps are set by God. My job, where I live, my probation, trying to date a girl. I can't understand my way because it's not reveled to me but I must always, always, always remember it's God setting each of my steps and I must be continually looking to Him to see where the next step is since I don't understand my way.

  • "Every way of a man is right in his own eyes,
    but the Lord weighs the heart"
    It's the second line that struck me. We all think we are right and everyone else is wrong but somehow it seems like that's not as important as the motivation behind it or something. I really don't know but this struck me and I have not come to any hard conclusions yet. Just thinking of exclusive psalmody, KJV only bibles, and other things that Christians are dead set are the right thing and yet are our hearts in the right place? I wonder often yet God knows always.

  • "No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel
    can avail against the Lord"
    I love to try and get God to do things my way. Looks like I am out of luck, thank goodness :)

  • "The prudent sees danger and hides himself,
    but the simple go on and suffer for it"
    I like this verse because I have a tendency to try and watch for clues as to what the future will hold, whether it's as small as watching the economy to see if I should find a new industry to work in or as large as watching the anti Christian trends in the US to see what life will be like for my family and my children.

  • "Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed,
    for he shares his bread with the poor"
    Over and over I read that the one who gives will be blessed and provided for and it's a continual conviction on my part because I am a Scrooge.

  • "The mouth of forbidden women is a deep pit;
    he with whom the Lord is angry will fall into it"
    Again, it's the second line that catches me. I have heard the first many many times but it's always about saying away from the forbidden women. What strikes me is that it's something God will use if He is angry. Just something to think about.

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