10 February, 2009


Hey Everyone!

So I have been BUSY since I last blogged! Let me try and give you all a synopsis of what’s been up :)

  1. CAR!
    You heard that right! I got a car! (Signing the papers tomorrow but it should all be "set" and just needs to be made official). I got a 2008 Mazda 3 S Grand Turing! It has black leather seats, sun roof, Bose stereo, auto climate control, heated seats, etc etc etc... basically the works! It only has 13,500 miles on it and did I mention it's a manual? :D
    I am very excited about this! It means I will be able to GET OUT more and not be stuck on the little scooter! (cute but it gets OLD fast)

  2. Party!
    Last night I went to a company party with Carrabbas. We went bowling at Fast Lanes from 9-11:30 and it was so much fun! I seriously can't wait to go back! I will say that it was the most fun I have had in a long time and for sure the best company party so far.

  3. Move!
    Well I am moving this month as well! But this move I am very excited for! I am moving in with a guy I am quickly becoming good friends with and my rent will go down as well. So, lots to do in the weeks ahead.

  4. Spiritual Slug Fest :(
    This is the muddy side. I have been in just the absolute most brutal spiritual warfare that I have been in for quite some time. It’s been going on for the past 3 weeks and it's been just killer! Last night I was ready to just give up, I was so tired of being a Christian and how God sees best for me and just the whole nine yards.

    I am really really struggling with anger, pride, and for sure stubbornness. I felt like I had for sure lost last night but am glad that today I was ready to try and kick this in the butt! I was like, "Ok, that's it! I am sick and tired of fighting with God! I am ready to kick this stupid sinful nature of mine in the butt big time!"... so the battle continues.

    It's not like it's been "hard" but I am so sick of not resting in God and trusting Him and loving Him and this separation is just flat out maddening and yet my sinful flesh is just absolutely so amazingly stubborn! It's almost baffling but oh do I so much more relate to what Paul wrote about in Romans and I know Christ is the victor so I can't loose this war, but man this is a Gettysburg battle for me right now.
Like I said, a LOT has happened since just a few days ago :)

I pray you all are doing well!

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