24 February, 2009

Do Events Make Us?

I have been just thinking on how we are made, our opinions formed, and our perspectives changed because of things that happen in our life. We have a system of beliefs that we instinctively know must correspond to workings in our life and over time we will alter what be believe and how we act due to major events that have happened in our life to try and bring everything into a consistent worldview.

Have you ever noticed how much you can learn about a person by listening to them tell about the major events in there past? People will get emotionally involved and opinionated often over things that have a direct relation to something that has gone on in there past.

I see this clearly in my life as major events have caused me to question presuppositions I held that did not cohere with my experiences. I am very passionate about some subjects because of the impact they have had on my life.

The only problem is that basing how we operate or what we believe on events in our life is a faulty system. Peoples experiences are real and they need to be considered but using that as a source to change how you think is faulty as two people may experience the same thing and come out with different outtakes on the subject. Yet it is important because any faulty thinking we have in our world view will NOT correspond to reality and our experiences help awaken us to our errors.

It is further complicated by the fact that some people may have legitimately found errors in a world view and yet because others have not had that experience they may themselves be inclined to continue believing what they believe due to personal motivations. Person A may still have to live in person B's world because person B is fixed in what they believe.

So why am I rambling on about this? I am because the more I am around the more I am experiencing what seems to be an overstepping of authority on all different levels. It seems I continue to encounter people in positions of authority who are overstepping their bounds and using their position unlawfully. This is the experience I am continuing to experience.

So I am experiencing one thing that does not agree with my current world view. I can't find anything that gives these authorities the the extent of the authority they claim and my natural tendency is to adjust my world view so as to line up with my experiences even though it's breaking a very strongly held position. The only problem I am finding is that I don't know if I am right. I think I am right but everyone always thinks they are right.

How do I know my experiences are not misunderstood? How can I judge whether or not there is an error here when it is me and the error is held by many in authority over me? How do I live when I know that the authorities are not interested in giving up their claim to their overstepped authority?
I am still thinking about all these things.

I have been a little sick and I am moving tomorrow so I will probably not be on really till Sunday.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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