11 February, 2009

Psalm 70

Since today was so busy my mind and body are not even close to being able to fall asleep so I thought, "hey, I have not read my bible in.. just about forever, this would be a great time to help start doing what I should have been doing all along" and so I started reading through the Psalms.

One Psalms that struck me tonight was Psalm 70. This can be my prayer, a desire for rest in God, for Him to come save me from this struggle with myself I have been having, and to give me hope and joy. Why I like it is because this is a prayer you could pray anytime, weather you are winning or loosing the battle you can pray this prayer and call for God to save you.

I also find that every time I read the bible it's the most refreshing thing ever! How silly are am I as a Christian? I have to have my arm twisted behind my back to get me to read the bible and every time I do it's as if I had drank of the coolest and crispest spring water one could find! "Oh how I love thy law, it is my study all the day" :)

I am so thankful for God's continued work in my life, I am learning so much even through my hard times and I can't wait to get on the other side of them and have learned all my lessons :)

I want to thank all of you who have been praying for me, some of you have been a HUGE encouragement to me during this time and I am so very thankful! I still desire your prayers a little longer but am blessed with friends like you guys. :)

Blessings in the name of Christ Jesus to my brothers and sisters in our Lord!

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