08 February, 2009

Todays Lesson

So today I attended a steering committee with my parents church, took communion at my church, and had a LOT of other things run through my mind! Needless to say I am NOT going to get everything I wanted to write down written... such is life :)

Lessons Learned... so far
  1. Communion:
    I love communion, it almost always encourages me and spurs my walk. Today I was just looking around at how God loves everyday people. That's like a duh statement right? I have known that but as I was looking around at everyone it struck me how some made a lot of money, others didn't; some where fashionable, others not... it reminded me of James 2 and I was struck by just how unloving I really am!
    I pray Got will continue to work His love through me so that I will be a blessing for others.

  2. Doctrine Requires Love/Love Requires Action:
    I am a very passionate person and very much so in regards to the things of God. My heart desires and longs for a church that is sound in its teaching but passionate in its love. Then I examined my heart and found that the thing I long for in a church is missing in me. I am very "Reformed", but my biggest qualm with the reformed churches is the overwhelming lack of demonstrated love. But where does the church start? It starts with me! I have a lot of talk, and so little real love. James is my book today because I am the man that says "Go in peace, be warmed and filled"and that is that man I DON'T WANT TO BE!
    May God see fit to bless me a love for others, a love demonstrated by actions.

  3. Hollywood Love:
    Since love is in the air today, might as well comment on the Hollywood love as well. I don't know why its so amazingly hard for me to be content with where God has placed me in life right now. I seem very content with most everything He is doing with me apart from this overwhelming desire for a wife! It does seem that when God is closest so is the desire for a wife and this is the absolute most difficult thing emotionally I am dealing with. Submit my emotions to waiting on God and being at peace and content with His timing is a constant ordeal it seems.
    May this time grow me closer to Him.

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